Posts About Education
It’s Just a big still
Ever wonder why the petrochemical plants look the way they do? Or what actually goes on in there? I sure did when I first moved down here to SETX. So, I looked into it and came up with a rather simple explanation. Conceptually correct, but not technically accurate by...
No kid sleeps on the floor in this town
No kid sleeps on the floor in our town Did you know that one in five people in Orange live below the poverty level? About one in ten struggles to make ends meet with less than half of the federal poverty level of income. It is difficult to find the actual statistics,...
Who Needs a Website?
I am asked this question so often, “Who needs a website?" Back in the late 1990s I started designing websites under the name of “Instant Web Pages”, to introduce small business owners to the new Internet. Websites were just getting going then and not a lot of...
Knowledge is Power
You, the parents and taxpayers, have the right to speak out at the Board meetings. Go and exercise your rights. As citizens, you also have the right to vote in WOCCISD elections. Go and exercise your rights.
You also have the right to remain silent…and accept the status quo.
How will YOU vote for the $25 million bond issue? Where are YOUR priorities? What’s important to you as a parent, and/or a taxpayer? Early voting starts in just a few weeks on October 22nd.
Where there’s smoke there could be fire.
At a recent school district meeting, an unnamed district employee, in relation to people raising issues about the district’s recent grades from the Texas Education Agency, was quoted in the local paper as saying, “Don’t listen to the noise”. Is that all the district hears when its constituents identify problem?
Trustee: TEA doesn’t tell the whole story
An article by Orange Leader about a WOCCISD school district meeting.
Published 10:31 pm Wednesday, September 26, 2018 by Holly Westbrook, There is a new POST after this with comments from Dave Derosier.
A New School Year at West Orange – Cove
“Our goal in delivering training is always to ensure that we provide students with the best quality education possible.” So started an article in a local paper by the Superintendent of Schools for WOCCISD just a few days later.
“The best quality education possible”, are you kidding?