So you want your website to show up as #1 in Google?
That calls for SEO and the two most important ingredients are…

MONEY: On the other hand, you can invest in Marketing Activities and with various tools that can get the search engines to increase their rankings for your site a lot sooner.
Your investments in SEO Marketing Activities can be ON-PAGE SEO or OFF PAGE SEO or both.
Between them, Time and Money are the key determinates on how a well-enabled website with good content gets ranked in the search engines.


On-Page: Website Optimization
Before SEO can work, there must be good content on/in the website. This is not only the text and images that you can see; good content includes keywords especially in select locations, alternate text on images, meta-descriptions, external links, and much more.
The customer provides us with their content for the website which we then optimize as best we can to meet current search engine requirements. further optimizes the website itself for SEO through judicious use of tools and tactics.
The extent of our website optimization for SEO depends upon the website design platform and design options chosen by the customer.
Off-Page: SEO Marketing
Once the website has been optimized and put in place, the website owner needs to go to work on the outside world to influence the scores/ratings given by the search engines using SEO Marketing Activities. An excellent Introduction to SEO Basics is a paper called “SEO Fact or Fiction”, prepared by YOAST, from whom we get tools to optimize our clients’ websites. See also the introduction to another publication from the same source that talks about “The Very Basics” of SEO. Although some Website Optimization is included, does not include any other SEO Marketing Activities in our design and development fees. With some basic knowledge of SEO together with guidance from and perhaps other professionals, You now need think about how you will invest in SEO. This becomes your Marketing Strategy.


(also called “Outbound”)
Push Strategies promote the website (products and services) by “pushing” customers directly to the website utilizing traditional marketing tactics. In this case, the website becomes an extension of your business card and other marketing efforts – providing “more bang for the buck”.
The purpose is to bring the target audience directly to the expanded and specific marketing message/tactics designed into the website.
- Business cards and other give-away items with the website address prominently displayed
- Media advertising with the website address prominently displayed
- Trade show promotions and brochures with the website address prominently displayed
- Product/service packaging with the website address prominently displayed
- Point of sale displays with the website address prominently displayed
(also called “Inbound”)
Pull Strategies focus on creating quality content that pulls people toward your company and product, where they naturally want to be. By aligning the content you publish with your customer’s interests, you naturally attract inbound traffic that you can then convert, close, and delight over time. (Hubspot, a leader in digital marketing)
The ultimate goal is to strengthen consumer awareness of the product or service and to foster demand.
- Paid Search Engine Advertising
- Directory Registration
- Directory Advertising
- E-mail newsletters
- Landing Pages
- Blogging
- Social Media
- Back Links (links incoming to your website)
- Educational articles published with links to your website
- Google Search Console
What does this mean for you?
Your website needs to be designed around your marketing message(s).
When your website is designed, it needs good content and the keywords need to be appropriate to the content and the message.
The content should be optimized in some way for SEO
At, the extent of the website optimization that is done is dependent upon the selected website design platform and any design options selected by the client. (Remember that “Money” is a key ingredient in SEO.)
If your numbers are large and/or you need that volume in a hurry, you should take a look at your budget.
It’s the balance of how many, when, and for how much $, that should determine the mix of PUSH STRATEGIES and PULL STRATEGIES that is best for you.
For example, if you need small numbers at a time and your budget is also small, start with being sure that your business cards and all other marketing materials prominently display your website address (URL).
In all promotions that are done for your organization YOU must consistently PROMOTE THE WEBSITE.
Start with being sure that your business cards and all other marketing materials prominently include your website address. In so doing, you will multiply the effect your traditional advertising many times over.
In your advertising – print, on-line, social media, and over the air waves, PROMOTE THE WEBSITE!
The easiest one is advertising at the Search Engine, but it’s not cheap. Normally you will “pay-per-click”, which is a fee for every time someone “clicks” on your ad in a search engine page.
Ways to start that you can do yourself include getting your website registered in appropriate web directories, search engines, and other services like MapQuest. Sign up for Social Media accounts and link them to your website. Start a blog, send out an email newsletter. Of course, you can also pay a third party to do some or all of these things for you.
If you haven’t joined the BBB or a Chamber of Commerce – go do that. They can provide links back your website that are very valuable, especially the BBB. has experience with vendors in our area that provide lots of SEO Marketing Services. We would be happy to sit down with you and suggest one or more that may be appropriate.
OhainWEB has been serving the SETX community since 2005. We specialize in websites - with a strong emphasis on business planning and marketing. Good web design upfront is key to your success on the Internet.

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